The Gómez and Gómez DLE Model, as any other instructional model, depends on a high level of Fidelity of Implementation. To this end, districts implementing our model will seek additional training to the basic 2-Day Initial training in order to achieve a high level of academic and linguistic effectiveness. We strive to provide you with high quality Teacher and/or Administrator training to meet this school or district need.
Initial Dual Language Training
Initial Training on Effective Academic and
Linguistic Strategies for EBs*
Required for All First Time Implementing Teachers of PK-6th Grades and as a Refresher for all Teachers after their 3rd year of Implementation
Trainer: Dr. Richard Gómez, Jr.
Day 1: Understanding Bilingual Education (purpose, research, philosophy); Principles of Dual Language (DL) Education; Instructional Model (components); PK-2 & Academic Rigor; Language of the Day; Elements of Dual Language Classroom; The DL Classroom Schedule
(PK-5); Bilingual Pairs (balanced classrooms); Critical DL Model Components; Challenging, Interactive, and Authentic (CIA) Classrooms
Day 2: Cooperative Learning; An Effective DL Lesson Plan (Lesson Cycle); Conceptual Refinement (supporting L2 content learners Second Language Acquisition [ESL/SSL]); DL Grading Policy; Student/Program Assessment (report cards/testing); Specialized Vocabulary Enrichment Activities (facilitating biliteracy in all learners 3-5); Bilingual Learning Centers and Research Centers; Fundamental Tenets of Effective DL Programs
" Exemplary Best Practices (formerly Going Blue)""
Trainer: Dr. Richard Gómez, Jr.
Note: This training is open to all staff from Regular Education classrooms in schools and districts using the Gómez & Gómez DLE Model. Training focuses on the "best practices" used in this DLE Model. This training is designed specifically for "regular" program teachers, whose language of instruction is all in English, to benefit from the research-based 29 Best Teaching/Learning Practices imbedded within the Gomez and Gomez Dual Language Enrichment model. Bilingual Teachers who are not yet implementing Dual Language, can also find this training helpful by utilizing these best practices even before the Dual Language program rolls up into their grade level.
Training is scheduled upon request,
Two Hour Training Series
Focus on Robust Writing in the Classroom
Writing across the curriculum is this training’s focus. Writing will be imbedded into the content areas of the State’s Assessments. Every teacher and every subject taught should be part of the daily Writing Block. This training will provide strategies to make writing a goal in each subject throughout the day.
Focus on Rigor Through the LPC
A focus on the strongly recommended Lesson Plan Cycle for Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts that results in “intentional” rigorous lessons. When teaching to the top, the bottom comes up.
Focus on Pairing Effectively in the Classroom
The focus on this training is to help teachers become more effective in utilizing the pairs structure in their classrooms. Effective “pairing” management results in higher learning rigor, and closing of academic gaps.
Focus on Robust Vocabulary Building in the Classroom
A focus on building a robust vocabulary through classroom components that in turn lead above grade-level writing and reading skills. When the Teacher stops talking, the Vocabulary building components start talking.
Training is scheduled upon request,
Other Trainings
Writing, Reading, and Vocabulary-- Three Sides of the Same Coin
This training presents the integral relationship between vocabulary, reading, and writing. Participants will learn strategies to strengthen all three elements of a strong Reader/Writer.
When the Teacher Stops Talking, The Room Starts Talking
I have all of the G&G Environment up. Now what? This training explains the “ Why? ” behind the G&G environmental components. Teachers will learn how to effectively utilize these components for more effective teaching and learning in their classrooms.
Dual Language University
This training will create a regular dual language school day, but rather than children students, the training participants will become the students! Teachers/Administrators will be taught middle school lessons in Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts according to the Dual Language Lesson Plan Cycle! Teachers will experience actual DL Best Practices from the student point of view. This will give teachers invaluable and authentic insight returning to their classrooms confidently and ready to implement their district's DL model effectively!​
Training is scheduled upon request,
Bilingual Learning Center (BLC) Training
Bilingual Learning Centers (BLCs) are critical to effective Gómez and Gómez Model implementation. BLCs serve important functions within the G&G Model and are required in PK-2nd grades. Core content BLCs should shadow the class academic instruction in math, science, social studies, and reading. BLCs serve to:
Support students in the BICS stage of second language acquisition.
Assist CALP academic comprehension in L2 by practicing academic skills taught in L2
Assist CALP academic comprehension in L1 by practicing academic skills learned
Enhances academic and linguistic “rigor”
This highly rated two-day training is virtually all “Make and Take” of BLC activities under the guidance of our Consultant (a MA in ). Teachers walk out of the training with high quality (academic and linguistic) BLC activities in hand that they can utilize the very next school day.
Training is scheduled upon request,
Bilingual Research Center and
Specialized Vocabulary Enrichment Trainings
In this one-day training, participants will learn the deeper facets of Bilingual Research Centers in regards to their intent and purposes. As part of the training, participants will actually construct several BRCs, so bring your laptops!​
Training is scheduled upon request,
Lesson Plan Cycle Training for the Success of EBs
This is an intensive and powerful training that brings all of the "G&G 28 Best Practices" into the lesson plans for each academic subject. This training will "connect the dots" for teachers to see the strong correlation between the 28 best practices imbedded within the model and EB success on a daily basis. The result of effectively implementing the skills learned in this training will be a significant increase in rigor, writing across the curriculum, paired learning, a student-centered classroom and much more. Dr. Richard Gómez Jr. will personally conduct this training.
Training is scheduled upon request,
Writing Across the Curriculum
Participants will learn how to embed research-based writing strategies and "Best Practices" into teachers' instruction. The focus will be on learning strategies to promote writing across the curriculum, maximizing writing opportunities presented by activities such as paired learning, language of the day journals, and efforts to raise academic and linguistic rigor for all students.
DLE Classroom Makeover
Our DLE experts will completely redesign and “make over” a teacher’s DL Classroom to incorporate all of the G & G DLE Environment components! See some of the before and after pictures on our website The classroom teacher assists our consultant who takes this opportunity to explain the rationale and the “why” to each component, and in that way, this serves as an excellent “one on one” training as well. Our consultants can complete two DLE Class Make-Overs in one day. The DLE Environmentally-Complete classrooms will serve as class models for other teachers as well.
One-on-One Dual Language Enrichment Teacher
G&G Dual Language Consultant Partnership
Our highly experienced (30 year Master teacher) and effective Consultant will shadow your DLE teacher for as long as you deem necessary. Throughout the experience, our Consultant will shadow the teacher, guiding, explaining, providing suggestions, demonstrating lessons, literally providing your teacher with whatever she/he needs to become a much more effective DLE teacher. Pair up our Consultant with a teacher for two hours, a half-day, or for entire day(s). This training does what you don't have time to do, but you know is needed!
Training is scheduled upon request,
Administrator Trainings
One-Day or Two-Day Administrator Training
This Administrator Training will introduce the academic and linguistic strengths of our DL model to Education Administrators of all levels. Administrators will learn of the tie between research, instructional best practices, and other strategies that serve as the underpinnings of our highly successful G&G Model. This training is especially geared towards Superintendents, Associate Superintendents, C&I Directors, Coordinators, Principals, and other district administration members.
Administrator Mentorship
This DL Administrator Mentorship provides Administrators of DL Programs with an opportunity to benefit from a customized one-on one conference, with our highly experienced consultant, regarding their unique program needs. Just some of the areas, regarding DL programs that Administrators may benefit from this customized conferencing are:
Dual Language Program Planning, Development, & Implementation
Dual Language Program Fidelity Accountability Plan
Federal Program Compliance
Dual Language Program Budgeting and Planning
Our highly experienced Consultant can schedule any number of days as requested, either consecutively or spread out over the school year. This Mentorship opportunity is excellent for virtually all Administrators but especially for Administrators that are new to Bilingual Programs or new to DL programs. Building “Capacity” in these areas will be significantly accelerated as a result of this mentorship opportunity.
Training is scheduled upon request,